Projects & Articles
How do the classes work
Are you coming to us for the first time and don't know what to expect? Don't worry, we've written down all the information that might interest you before the class!
Therapy through puppy love. We attended a yoga class where you can cuddle. This helps people and dogs - Refresher CZ
Read how Refresher discovered the connection between two worlds – yoga and cuddling with puppies.
Relaxation, puppies and yoga.
The unconventional exercise helps both dogs and people.
Read the report about the yoga class where the editors of IDNES.cz visited us.
Adidas Athletes Gathering 2023
We bet you've seen these athletes in many places, but you haven't seen them doing yoga with puppies? As part of the Adidas Brand Ambassadors Meeting, we organized a special class where the pros enjoyed a moment of relaxation and recharged their batteries for further performances. Check out how it went!
Kdo může přijít na lekci?
Děti, cizinci, těhotné ženy? Jaká jsou omezení na našich lekcích a komu účast nedoporučujeme?
Report on Novinky.cz
A short report about the Pets Yoga project was made from a nice visit to the Novinky.cz portal. Watch how the lesson went and listen to a few words about the operation from Markéta, one of the founders.

From the perspective of the editor of the health portal Vitalia.cz
Training with puppies puts you in a good mood, says the editor of Vitalia.cz, who tried the yoga class.

Jóga s velkou dávkou roztomilosti: Naše redaktorka otestovala jógu se štěňátky
Co o nás napsali v magazínu Marianne? Přečtěte si průběh lekce očima redaktorky časopisu.
Všechno co potřebujete vědět o puppy józe, než ji navštívíte
Jak lekce probíhají, co si vzít s sebou a odkud jsou vlastně štěňátka na lekci? Přečtěte si, co vás čeká.

Myths and Facts: Let us dispel the most common doubts surrounding Puppy Yoga.
What does puppy yoga mean for puppies, why do we do it and how does the course actually work?